
the procrastination

So I've been procrastinating making a blog for a very long time. Too long I believe. I call it procrastination now, but really it was much more hesitation with a bit of fear thrown in there. I've been toying with the idea for at least a year now and after spending hours last night on blogs reading DIYs, I decided it's time to shit or get off the pot, as my mom likes to say.

I've accepted the fact that I probably won't really have much followers or anything of the sort, probably just a few floaters and maybe a handful of lurks. And they will probably be lurks from my deviantart account. Perhaps a friend or two from real life, but I highly doubt that. I've decided that I'm just going to write and blather about as if someone may read this or find something that I post entertaining or helpful or what have you. I guess I'm mostly just doing this for me.

But I am also doing this for other crafters. I spend hours floating about the internet staring at tutorials, patterns, inspiring crap, fashion, makeup, music, etc. Everything every stereotypical blog is made up of basically. But I want to start posting about these helpful things that I've found and love on the internet and share as well. And too many times I have had a project that I really want to do and no matter how much hunting I've done, I can't find a helpful tip or solution. So I'd really like to share things that I've hodpodged together when the internet failed me in the attempt that info would be there for the next person flailing about helplessly.

On top of the tutorial shit, I'd also like to just use this as a place that I'm collecting all of the crap I stumble over. I thought about a tumblr, but uugh. I just hate going on tumblr and I always feel like things are a mess. It makes me really grumpy. So I plan to share fashion endeavors, music adventures and other nonsense.

I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed thinking about posting this and then coming back and posting more. Actually following through with it is looming over me. But I want to do this, and I've wanted to do this. So why am I freaking out? I don't have any false perception that I'm going to start a blog and suddenly be internet famous. I don't even expect people to really come comment or anything at all. It would be nice, but I'm very fine with this just being a document to crap I do.


Soooooo here's me trying to take a step forward and make this a common event that I do. Hopefully I don't become a slackerwhore like I have with my deviantart, but I'm kind of just sick of that place and the drama on everyone's page all of the time. Like holy crap. So here's to a new era of creating and sharing with whomever stumbles over this mess. Cheers and best of luck.